Andreas Rekdal

Andreas Rekdal is an editor, writer and editorial strategist based in Chicago.

Currently director of editorial development at Built In, he has covered the tech industry since 2015.


Andreas has built and managed several high-performing teams publishing features, news and reported explainers.

When he’s not working you’ll likely find him running long distances or tinkering with computers.

Stories Edited

Why Are Robots So Freaking Cute? (Tatum Hunter, Built In, 2020)

Users Hate It When Physical Buttons Go Away (Stephen Gossett, Built In, 2021)

Why Aren’t Social Media Managers More Respected? (Hal Koss, Built In, 2021)

‘Mess Is More’ Defines the Twitch Aesthetic (Jeff Link, Built In, 2020)

Deep Tech, Explained (Ellen Glover, Built In, 2023)

Stories Written